Sunday, November 3, 2013

Blogging Valley

Application for the Repurposing Larrabee Think Tank committee ended on Nov. 1, and the group will soon start discussion of what to do with the Larrabee Elementary building after it closes in June of 2014.
Once members for the think tank are picked, the first in a series of meetings will be held on the Nov. 24.
The cast of the committee contains neighborhood representatives, school representatives, a  Bellingham official and more.
The main purpose of the committee will be to generate ideas and hear feedback for potential re-purposing and re-populating ideas concerning the building’s potential future uses.
The meetings will start with establishing the proceedings for future meetings, in order to create an effective schedule once the time starts to tick down.
Ultimately the committee will serve as advisement to the superintendent, who will be in contact with the group as a way to make an informed decision.
The initial six meetings will culminate with a presentation to the superintendent, for consideration with the rest of various district staff.
Maintenance and security will be discussed in terms of keeping the building maintained, since it is predicted that the building will take a while before it is properly renovated.

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